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Who is my husband Yitzhack Herrera?

There are many words I can use to describe my husband. How can I narrow it down to just one single word? If I had to choose just one word, I would choose “Mensh”. He is a prime example of what a mensh is. He is a man of integrity, a man who when given a task and will

do what needs to be done to accomplish it. It may take 5 minutes, or it could take years, but he will work as much and as hard as he needs to accomplish it. Where people have given up, he continues to push forward. He takes every hard situation and turns it into a lesson and continues. He doesn’t let people who try to bully him knock him down. He understands that when people are mean or speak ill, it's only a reflection of them not him. Anyone who knows him knows truth and he understand he does not need to defend himself. He is a man of honor who believes what he believes and stands by what he believes. He stands at the gates and protects his family with the help of HaShem.

He is a cowboy through and through. From the hat down to the boots. Connecting the ranch life to Judaism. He creates analogies connecting the ranch life to the Torah to reflect G-d's word and lessons. These analogies are a good reflection of who he is. He is a great teacher and a great student. He uses what he has learned and simplifies it to teach others. When given the opportunity to share his wisdom, he keeps himself humbled.

He is a man of integrity. When he is wrong, he acknowledges it, fixes it and moves on. He lets go of what was and moves forward to what will be. His dreams are real, and he continues to push through hard times knowing they will only be a memory. Every step he takes is worth the effort. He can look at the past and see the road he has walked. He may

not be able to see the next step, but he takes it anyways knowing his trust in HaShem will lead him through whatever awaits him. When he stumbles, he picks himself up, dusts off his pants and continues. His relationship with HaShem is strong and full of conversations. Given the opportunity, he shares it all.

Rivka Herrera

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