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Taking Application

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Now accepting applications for Ima, Abba, siblings, and other family members! When converting to Judaism, one may find themselves in a limbo of what was and what will be. Faced with judgement from both ends. Caught in the middle of the two lives that naturally collide together. Family members worried about your salvation constantly argue with you about what the “word” says and how you will go to “hell” if you turn your back on their belief. On the flip side, you are faced with “Are you truly ready to let go of “everything” to become Jewish?”

The middle ground is a place no one can fully understand except those who have experienced it. Non-Jews and native-born Jews alike are unable to understand. Let me explain what I mean; before the choice was even a thought, one would ask questions. There is a tugging in your heart that you cannot explain. You feel as though there must be more. You ask your teachers questions. Teachers that you have grown to trust. Only to be faced with an answer that is more confusing. There are many answers one can be told but feel it still does not make sense. You dig deeper and ask deeper questions, only to finally be faced with blocked walls. You ask around the same questions only to be faced with frustration or even anger. At this point, you must ask yourself: do I continue digging or let it go? You have chosen to keep digging.

This road takes you down many avenues. Some travel through “Hebrew Roots” or “Messianic” avenues. Though those seem close, they just don't feel right. Their answers seem more confusing. Some have conversations with a Jewish person. Either way, the road leads you to a rabbi. Everything finally makes sense, finally you are getting answers. Although the answers make sense, you find yourself struggling through the fact that everything you thought you knew was a misinterpretation of what the “word” is. What do you do now?

How do you “erase” everything you know? Well, you don’t! If you find a good rabbi, you will be guided through all you understand. Truth will be brought to you through your knowledge. A good rabbi will not belittle you or stone wall you.

Now, understand, a rabbi will not try to convert you. They will be a path to finding answers to your questions. You can stay where you are and have a beautiful source to find all the answers to your questions or you can get closer and become a Noahide. Just like being Jewish is a way of living (following Laws) so is being a Noahide. There are a set of laws that Noahides follow. They are “strangers” who join Israel and who believe in the one true Gd.

You may find yourself being drawn and decide you want to join Israel. This may be the biggest decision you have ever made, and/or it's an easy one. Life as you know it is about to change. 613 laws for the Jewish people. It’s not a religion, it is a way of life. No need to stress though! Your rabbi and his community will help you learn it all. You will follow certain steps to complete the conversion process. Then officially you have become a member of Gd's chosen people. It truly is a beautiful thing.

Your people will be my people, your Gd will be my Gd. Ruth 1:16

Rivka Herrera

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