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Writer's pictureEsther Mandella

Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant Construction Lesson

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Copyright Esther Mandella Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant Construction Lesson The purpose of this lesson is to teach our young people about the significance of the Mishkan/Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant in Jewish history and the Jewish people's commitment to G-d. Resources Required: The Tabernacle with the Ark of the Covenant in pictures or images. Requirements for making handmade crafts, such as blank sheets of paper, tape, colored pencils, and foil. Ark of the Covenant models made of acacia wood or cardboard Clay or modeling compound Introduction: Tell the kids how G-d led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Tell them that G-d desired a dwelling place with His people, so He gave them the blueprints for a tent called the Mishkan.


Please read Exodus 25:1-20 and explain it to the young people in simple words. Make it clear that the Israelites were only expected to contribute what they could afford to the Tabernacle's construction.

Take the kids on a tour inside the Tabernacle and point out the many rooms, including the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was stored. Use a model or images.

Ask the kids to create a replica of the Ark of the Covenant out of modeling clay or play dough. Describe the meaning of the Ark, how it served as a symbol of G-d's protection over His people and how it housed the 10 Commandments.

Provide the kids some construction paper or gold foil to adorn their Ark with.

Tell the children about the Cherubim above the Ark of the Covenant, by saying they stood in for the angels who attended to G-d's presence.

Tell the story of how the Israelites demonstrated their love and dedication to God by constructing the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.

Whether it's by being kind to others, praying, or doing acts of kindness, kids may express their devotion to G-d in a variety of ways.

In closing, go through what was covered in class and have the kids discuss what they learned. Inspire them to continue researching and learning about our Jewish faith.

Conclude with a bracha over the young people filled with gratitude to G-d for His unfailing presence and the privilege of growing in our understanding of His enduring love and timeless wisdom.

The Mishkan and the Holy Ark: A Hebrew Vocabulary Lesson Lesson:

Instruct the students about the meaning of the Hebrew term "Mishkan," which is "Tabernacle," that is, a sanctuary or holy place where God's presence is felt.

Learn the Hebrew names for the various Mishkan components, such as "Aron Hakodesh" for the Ark of the Covenant, "Kaporet" for the cover of the Ark, and "Cherubim" for the angelic figures above the cover. Explain to the youngsters the significance of the Israelites' financial donations to the Mishkan by teaching them the Hebrew term for charity, "Tzedakah".

Have the kids consider how they may help out in their community by giving Tzedakah, just like the Israelites did when they built the Mishkan.

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