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How are you Praying?

The things I learn daily always seem to have echoes. I will hear a statement, a verse, a

teaching, a meme, a story, something that resonates in me. Then, it goes on repeat. The concept appears everywhere I turn, in everything I face in the coming days. It is as though HaShem whispers in my ears that there will be a situation, but trust me when I say. . .

If I listen closely and pay attention, I can see the situation and understand what it is that HaShem is wanting from me. Sometimes it is an action on my end, or just a trust for HaShem. The peace that comes from developing this relationship with HaShem, brings a peace I never understood could exist.

Just recently, I felt a panic. This and this needs to be done. I was trying to get things resolved but felt blocks in every direction. Then, I stepped back and took a deep breath. I took a moment to just be. I realized that if it were not for the problem I was trying to solve, I would not have known there was an even bigger problem that may have been. Let me explain:

I have a small store on Etsy. I do not usually make sales there, but I entertain the idea of having a place to sell items I make. I do not check in very often. I figure, if there is a sale, I will get a notice and I can do what I need to do. Recently, Etsy has been asking all store owners to confirm their bank information. I did not think much of it and kept putting it off. I mean, I was seriously thinking of just closing it down anyway.

I received an email saying I received an order. Wow! In that moment, I thought, HaShem did not want me to close my store, so this person could purchase something from me. It must be a sign to keep it open and put more focus on it. Well, let me tell you, it was not as simple as that. I need to confirm my bank account still. No big deal, right? Wrong! Turned out, an account I have not had for years was still attached to my store. Now, mind you, I have been using my card from my now account to make payments and what nots. I never thought to check on my bank account information because I simply do not use it. Well, now I need to fix this.

I was having trouble and panicked that I could not figure out how to solve a problem that was being presented to me. I asked for help and just felt almost trapped in this situation. I stepped back and remembered something I had been reading. Even though I may be faced with a problem, it does not mean I am left alone to solve it. It simply means that HaShem needs me to solve it, so I can move on to the next step. See, I did not know there was a problem. HaShem showed me the problem so I can fix it. While working on fixing it, I am to continue to trust. Later in the night, I received an email from Etsy how to fix the issue.

Then that evening, I read a story that spoke about a man who goes out into the field to cry out to HaShem to help him with his finances. He is over his head in dept. Then one day he ran into a friend who asked how he was doing. He poured his heart out to this friend, explaining how he is coming to the field to cry and plead to Gd to help him with his dept. His friend asked him if he does this regularly. His reply is absolutely. Then he asked, does it work, crying for help. The man replied “no.” So the friend suggested that he stop crying and changed his prayer. Thank HaShem for the dept. So, the man did exactly that. He thanked HaShem for his dept. A couple of weeks later, he was gifted a substantial amount of money. He was able to cover most of his and what was left, he was able to manage.

This story, along with others, brings me to a place where I feel the need to check my prayers. HaShem is great! I need to remember to be thankful for everything in my life, including my trials and tribulations.

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