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Writer's pictureEsther Mandella

Fall and Rise!

Fall and Rise! By Esther Mandella of Emuna Judaism Magazine

Just stop! Have you ever wanted to yell at your TV, your social network, or your phone, “stop, just stop!”

Somedays, I want to scream at mine! That might sound like a negative approach to the woes of life, but I think it is very natural.

When Korach complained against Moshe, the Torah says, “Moses heard and fell on his face.” Numbers 16:4

Another term for "fall" is bowled over. We want to say to Korach, "Hashem did all this for you, and you are going to complain now Are you for real? Like really? Enough!" I can imagine this from my 21st-century brain, of what might have been going through Moshe’s head at that moment.

Did you know another word for "fell," is prostrate? We have two choices. When we are bowled over by the news of life, we can let the yetzer hara scream “strike,” and watch us moan on the ground, splat, finished like.

Or . . .

We can prostrate, in so many words. We are down for the count anyway. Why not praise? Why not call on the G-d of the universe? Why not say to Hashem, "it is too big for me? I place it in Your Hands now. You are Mighty to Deliver me, my family, my business, and my future."

And with new hope, tikvah, in our hearts, weight lifted, we can rise. The light begins to shine through again. It is a NEW day!


Today, bezrat Hashem, I will look to You, the Holy One of Yisrael, and feel Your Deliverance!

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