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Ways to Help!

This group needs trauma kits. Each medical trauma kit costs $300.00. These kits are used on the front lines so that medics can attend to stopping blood flow and stabilizing people until they can be safely transported to a hospital. This is life-saving!

Rabbi Yehudah Glick and his wife, Hadass
These individuals, along with their staff, are using all donations received for the war effort. They have brought food, been involved with rescue, and have comforted new orphans and families from their loss.

Eretz Hakodesh, the American Jewry representation in Eretz Yisrael:
These donations will go to provide bullet proof vests, medical equipment, basic food, etc.

Arugot Farms
This group has officially become a military outpost now. They need equipment and supplies.

If any of this seems overwhelming and you do not know exactly how to give, there is an umbrella organization that addresses many needs that include: night-vision goggles, protective vests, provision for villages and communities, and much more. They are even trying to raise money for a special armored ambulance to send to the north. No donation is too small, and they have promised to send all funds where you would prefer.

Any Donations

We are sending 20% of our sales to 5 respected organizations that are on the front lines right now!


United Hazlalah

Magen David Adom

Ari Fuld Project



New Israel Fund

-If supporting mental health to a country on its knees is something close to your heart, Trauma4Good assists military and rescue service active members and veterans in getting diagnosed & receiving help for PTSD.

The Base supports lone soldiers, and lone b’not sheirut (young women carrying out national service) They provide practical and emotional support.

There is a civil command center that is organizing and mobilizing supplies throughout the country: meals and shelter to evacuees, equipment to soldiers, etc. Here is the link for a tax-deductible donation (all funds go directly to purchase equipment or pay suppliers)


(Please specify that the donation is for the civil command center)

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