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Shofar Blasts for healing

… Rosh Hashanah is the main time for such gatherings because the source of the entire process of tikkun (ammending/fixing) is to be found then. In fact the very details of the Rosh Hashanah ritual, and in particular the different notes blown on the Shofar, all have the power to bring about these tikkunim (repair something that has been damaged). 

Thus the first note we blow, Tekiah (a long loud single blow), has the effect of strengthening faith.

The second, Teruah (a series of staccato blasts or short blows followed by a longer higher note), causes new intuitions and perceptions to flash forth.

And through the third note, Shevarim (three connected short sounds), we are protected from having disturbed dreams and being currupt in our judgements. This preserves us from impure experiences at night. (5:15) 

“Advice” Rabbi Nachman 

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